X12 Utility is the most easy to use, powerful and versatile software utility that allows you to displays and print the contents of standard ANSI X12 277, 837, 835, 864 and 997 files in a user friendly format.· 837 Health Care Claims· 277 Claim Status· 835 Remittance Advice· 997 Functional Acknowledgement· 864 Informational ReportData is displayed in context sensitive screens relative to their transaction set.The Utility is as an analytic and tracking tool for your x12 files. All the X12 files in the X12 Directory can be scanned into the X12 Utilities database. Once your x12 files have been scanned you can locate claims by patient/subscriber name or by claim number. A listing of totals by date can be generated as well as an export to CSV of the databaseThe most cost effective, versatile, and easy to use software for viewing electronic claims data available today.
29 Temmuz 2009 Çarşamba
Model C1D0F431 X12 Utility 1.15G-29
X12 Utility is the most easy to use, powerful and versatile software utility that allows you to displays and print the contents of standard ANSI X12 277, 837, 835, 864 and 997 files in a user friendly format.· 837 Health Care Claims· 277 Claim Status· 835 Remittance Advice· 997 Functional Acknowledgement· 864 Informational ReportData is displayed in context sensitive screens relative to their transaction set.The Utility is as an analytic and tracking tool for your x12 files. All the X12 files in the X12 Directory can be scanned into the X12 Utilities database. Once your x12 files have been scanned you can locate claims by patient/subscriber name or by claim number. A listing of totals by date can be generated as well as an export to CSV of the databaseThe most cost effective, versatile, and easy to use software for viewing electronic claims data available today.