PDF Splitter Deluxe is a utillity that splits multi-page pdfs into multiple single-page pdfs. The PDF graphical format is used for exchanging computer generated, scanned or other technology related forms and reports.When introduced into an enviroment where PDF files are commonly split or certain pages are pulled out, PDF Page Spliter becomes an invaluable tool that can save time, money and energy while increasing productivity. A key feature of PDF Splitter Deluxe is the capability to setup a watch folder. Any PDF that is dropped into the watch folder will automatically be split apart and placed in a pre-determined location. This feature is invaulabe in automation and remote applications. Command line support with full option argruments are included with this product, allowing ultimate flexibility in batch proccessing and automation.Get PDF Splitter Deluxe and take it for a test drive to see what its really capable of!Quickly split your PDF files
11 Ağustos 2009 Salı
PDF Splitter Deluxe 1.0.0
PDF Splitter Deluxe is a utillity that splits multi-page pdfs into multiple single-page pdfs. The PDF graphical format is used for exchanging computer generated, scanned or other technology related forms and reports.When introduced into an enviroment where PDF files are commonly split or certain pages are pulled out, PDF Page Spliter becomes an invaluable tool that can save time, money and energy while increasing productivity. A key feature of PDF Splitter Deluxe is the capability to setup a watch folder. Any PDF that is dropped into the watch folder will automatically be split apart and placed in a pre-determined location. This feature is invaulabe in automation and remote applications. Command line support with full option argruments are included with this product, allowing ultimate flexibility in batch proccessing and automation.Get PDF Splitter Deluxe and take it for a test drive to see what its really capable of!Quickly split your PDF files